10 Myths of Choosing a Career

#1 Choosing a career is simple

It’s not as simple as you think. In fact, you should give it enough time it deserve as choosing a career is an involved process. Learning enough about yourself and the occupation you are considering are the key words in order to make an informed decision.

#2 Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever

Simply not true. Don’t force yourself into something that you hate to do whereas you have the choice over it. If you are unfulfilled in your career for any reason, you can always change it.

#3 I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list

Numerous articles and books that list what the experts predict will be 'hot jobs' would come out by beginning of a new year or a new decade. Of course you can look at the list but you shouldn't use the list to dictate your option. The predictions should be based on valid data through some research but sometimes things change. Not forgotten, your interest, skills and values need to be taken into consideration when choosing a career. Just because the perspective for a profession is good, it doesn't mean that profession is right for you.

#4 A career counselor/advisor can tell me what profession to pick

Career counselor or advisor, or any other career development professional can provide you with guidance in choosing a career but they CAN’T tell you what career is best for you. You know yourself better than any other person, so why you think other people can make a best decision for you.

#5 I can't create a living from my hobby

Says who? Never heard of someone who make a living out of a stone? Of course a painting stone. When choosing a career, it makes perfect sense to choose one that is connected to what you enjoy doing in your spare time, if that’s your wish. People tend to become very expert in their hobbies, which most of the skill is gained casually.

#6 Making a lot of money will make me happy

While cost of living is getting higher nowadays, remuneration is important when choosing a career. Though, it isn't the only factor you should look at. Surveys have shown that cash doesn't necessarily lead to job satisfaction. For many people enjoying what they do at work is much more important. Nevertheless, you should consider earnings, among other things, when assessing a job.

#7 All I have to do is pick an occupation... Things will get into place after that

Too good to be true. Choosing a career is only the beginning of a long journey. There's a lot more to do after that. Your journey might not be smooth that takes you to reach your long term career goals.

#8 If I change careers my skills will go to waste

Absolutely wrong. Your skills are your asset which are yours to keep. Skills can be gained from one job to another. Although they might not be used in the particular same way, probably they will make you becoming more creative. They won't go to waste.

#9 If my best friend (or brother,aunty, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too

Everyone is unique. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another, even if that other person is someone with whom you have a lot in common. If someone you know has a career that interests you, look into it, but be alert of the fact that it may not necessarily be a good fit for you.

#10 There's very little I can do to learn about a job without actually working in it

First hand experience is the great source of learning a career. Besides, published material/articles on career could be a great ways to explore a job besides face-to-face interaction or interview with those working in that particular field.