Why is a resume rejected?

There are many reasons why your resume can be rejected. Some of the most common reasons are listed below:

The Initial Impression
As statistics have shown, a potential employer looks at a resume for around 10-15 seconds before an impression is created in their mind as to the suitability of the individual for the job. This shows that unless you attract the attention of the reader, your chances of getting an interview will have been reduced straight away. You have to remember that a potential employer may have a hundred or more resume to look at, and there may only be a limited time to analyze these resume and create a shortlist. Therefore, you have to ensure that your CV or resume shows the reader that you match their requirements and that the reader is able to recognize that from your resume very easily.

The Length of Your Resume
The best size for your resume is two pages of A4. You should only make resume longer if it is specifically required from you to provide the potential employer with additional, or more detailed information.

The Way Your Information is Organized
If the potential employer is not able to follow your resume and locate relevant information they will most likely not bother to try any harder to find the information and instead just give up. This means that your resume will be put on the rejected pile. You must organize and arrange your resume in such a way that the potential employer will see what they are looking for more or less instantaneously. Avoid cramping too much information and make sure there is plenty of white space.

Overwritten or Too Little Information
Both of these should be avoided. Too much information in lengthy paragraphs makes it hard for the reader to find the relevant information. And on the other hand, not providing all the relevant details from your qualifications, career history and other experiences will leave the potential employer without anything to determine your suitability for the job. You must first analyze the requirements for the job and then choose the most appropriate information from your skills audit to include within your resume. This will ensure that you do provide enough information and only what is relevant.

Spelling Mistakes, Typos and Poor Grammar
No matter how hard you look and check over your work, there always seems to be something that you have missed. Errors such as these can make you appear unprofessional and as someone who is careless. Therefore, you should always get somebody else to check your resume for grammatical errors.

Does Not Demonstrate Results of Achievements
Your resume is your personal marketing tool. If you do not demonstrate past results and achievements to prove to the employer that they should employ you as opposed to others, then your resume has failed. You need to clear state that you are suited for the job and then present evidence for that suitability. This is the objective behind your resume.

extract from www.mycvbuilder.com